My Second Week

I have completed my first few weeks in Graphic Design class and have accomplished some very cool outcomes. My first task was to create a replica of a famous magazine cover but base it around a teacher of my choice. I choose Mr.Churchill my physics teacher, who also happens to be a Robotics teacher. I … More My Second Week


When I’m bored and have caught up on all my shows on Netflix I spend hours scarring the internet in search for intriguing and unusual images. I usually end up on Pinterest.   My favorite images that I love to search for is ‘Geometric Art’. It extracts the simple components of art; like circles, squares … More Pinterest


The first day of February brings the switch from one semester to the next. I feel this semester will be my favorite with the beginning of a new class, Graphic Design. I can’t wait to get started and learn the different design aspects from advertisements, magazines, photos and so much more. This year I really … More NEW YEAR