My Second Week

I have completed my first few weeks in Graphic Design class and have accomplished some very cool outcomes.

My first task was to create a replica of a famous magazine cover but base it around a teacher of my choice. I choose Mr.Churchill my physics teacher, who also happens to be a Robotics teacher.

I decided to choose WIRED magazine as it is the home to the best science and technology and fits well with my chosen teacher. I began searching for the best looking WIRED magazine cover that I could find.

I choose to search for a cover that involved robots and found this one with Will Ferrell.

Wired Magazine Cover

I liked the idea but I thought that the colors were a bit too dull and not to my liking, so I kept scaring the web until I found this cover with the famous chef Ferran Adria.

Wired Magazine image

I extremely like the color’s chosen for this cover. They pop and draw the readers attention. The yellow accent color is a great mix with the luminous pink.

I then began setting up my page outline and my margins. I used a 0.5cm margin around the whole of my document to align all the text.

I decided that I wanted to put Mr.Churchill on the front cover along with a robot of some sort. I began searching for robots which lead me to pages upon pages of almost human robots. I found a Robot created out of Lego called a Mindstorm.


The photo was on a transparent background so there wasn’t too much bother with selecting it from the photo and pasting it as a new layer to my magazine. I used a new tool that I learned called Puppet Warp to be able to adjust the right arm of the robot slightly so It was closer in and higher up towards its head.

I choose my color scheme for the magazine cover using the colors from the robot. I used the red as the main color for the title and article backgrounds. I also choose the yellow on the left arm of the robot as an accent color which works extremely well.

My teacher showed me several different alternatives to just a plain colored background on the magazine cover. I had an idea of my own to use a blank document and draw lines that cross one another to make a series of abstract shapes. I then choose the color from the robot’s screen on the front of his body as a base color for the background. I choose several lighter and several darker colors from this green and started to fill in each individual shape.

And now for the final product…

Magazine Cover Churchill

I feel I have succeeded extremely well in this project and created a really striking magazine cover.

Until next week…

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