Designing Posters

We have been asked to design a poster for a local event called ‘Bright Nights’. The only information we have been given so far is the name of the event and we may interpret in whatever way we like.

My original idea was to include the Northern Lights on the poster but I felt that they would have been more complicated to create using Adobe Illustrator. I looked to Pinterest for my inspiration.


The first design that I came across is shown above. I love the simplicity of the stars and the connection between the stars and the title of the event. There is only 3 colours used in this design, the gold is striking in front of the navy background.


The next one that struck my eye was ‘The Night Market poster’, following in the footsteps of the previous poster It only uses 3-4 colors. I love the font used and the positioning of the text on the poster. This correlations of stars fits well with the title of my event and is a contender in creating my own take on this poster.


This poster is simple yet effective, the use of the paint splodges in the background suggest that this event is about a painting event. The title is very striking and there is minimal text on the poster to catch the eyes of the reader and make them want to read more about the event.



I love this poster design, again so simple to achieve. The gradient in the background creates a bright and vibrant feel, it would fit well with my event as it suggests a ‘bright night’ or a sunset. Minimal text creates a simple poster that would be easy to achieve in illustrator.



This one was my favorite of them all when I cam across it, as i explained the other posters as being simple and effective, this poster does exactly that. Three icons are used to represent the title of the event, ‘Winter Jazz Night’ and smaller text at the bottom makes the icons the main focal point of this poster. I could adjust this design by using a Sun icon and a Moon Icon and once again writing the name of the event in the corresponding colors at the bottom of the page.



Although this idea would be difficult to recreate in Photoshop or Illustrator i still like the use of the layers of card and shadows to make the names of the cities to pop from the background. I am edging closer to using shapes with drop shadows in my final design.


This final poster is my absolute favorite. It takes everything from the previous poster design and recreates it in Illustrator. The eye catching heart that is colored bright and vibrantly makes it the main focal point on the poster. When recreating this poster I could create a sunset in the background and color it using a gradient, I could also color the moon in the background to emphasis that the event is called Bright Nights.

I have made my final decision to recreate the final poster design, I feel it would fit the theme of the event perfectly.


Check back to see my final outcome.

Until Next time.

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