Designing Posters

We have been asked to design a poster for a local event called ‘Bright Nights’. The only information we have been given so far is the name of the event and we may interpret in whatever way we like. My original idea was to include the Northern Lights on the poster but I felt that … More Designing Posters

My Second Week

I have completed my first few weeks in Graphic Design class and have accomplished some very cool outcomes. My first task was to create a replica of a famous magazine cover but base it around a teacher of my choice. I choose Mr.Churchill my physics teacher, who also happens to be a Robotics teacher. I … More My Second Week


When I’m bored and have caught up on all my shows on Netflix I spend hours scarring the internet in search for intriguing and unusual images. I usually end up on Pinterest.   My favorite images that I love to search for is ‘Geometric Art’. It extracts the simple components of art; like circles, squares … More Pinterest


The first day of February brings the switch from one semester to the next. I feel this semester will be my favorite with the beginning of a new class, Graphic Design. I can’t wait to get started and learn the different design aspects from advertisements, magazines, photos and so much more. This year I really … More NEW YEAR